dinsdag 8 september 2020


Log Henk Ruigrok, HOL-7415-MC Deventer 06E08/52N16 Yaesu FRG-100 General Coverage communication receiver 0-30 Mhz,Perseus rcvr,etc. Mini Whip antenna at 20 mtr.top (designed by PA0RDT),Indoor Magn.loop 10-265Pf Since my first dxing years in june 1980 i still enloy listening to several receivers in my shack!One of my favorite receivers are the Yaesu FRG-100,Yaesu FRG-7 but love my Kenwood R-5000 and my Icom PCR-1000,Degen DE-1103,Realistic DX-200 and my Realistic DX-100L but on AM/FM there's a really sensitive Philips 180 QUARTZ SYNTHESIZED TUNER!Anyway today there's plenty really great SDR'S for HF/VHF/UHF/SHF from 10-70 US Dollars just take a look at EBAY!Good dx and 73's from PADX1 BCL DX STATION,OP:HENK RUIGROK

 kHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details SINPO Remarks km

 900 2009 I RAI Radio1 Lombardia, Milano/Siziano (pv) It.2 males talk. 24434 Good,slight qrn 804 km 

531 2014 ALG Jil FM, F Kirina (4) Ar,mellow mx,advertising: This is Jill FM 24434 Good 1842 km

 882 2027 G BBC Radio Wales, Washford (EN-SOM) E,mx.male anounc.r&roll(oldie) 34333 Fair,noisy 665 km
9600 2043 CHN China Radio Int., Kashgar=Kashi/NRTA2022 (XJ) E,male story-teller:about Eagles 34334 Good,qsb/qrn! 5360 km

 9555 2048 ARS SBA Radio Riyadh, Ar-Riyad (SW) (riy) Ar,arabian mx 23333 Fair,noisy 4576 km 

9490 2052 USA Voice of America, Pinheira (sao) Hausa,nx of Africa,mx,male reporter! 32333 Fair,too much noise! 5781 km

 9420 2057 GRC Voice of Greece, Avlida=Avlis (cgr-evv) El.(Greece lang.)nx abt covid on the Lesbos Isl.mx 44444 Good 2050 km

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