Henk Ruigrok, HOL-7415-MC Deventer
Yaesu FRG-100 General Coverage communication receiver 0-30 Mhz Magn.Loop (indoor).
Since my first dxing years in june 1980 i still enloy listening to several receivers in my shack!One of my favorite receivers are the Yaesu FRG-100,Yaesu FRG-7 but love my Kenwood R-5000 and my Icom PCR-1000,Degen DE-1103,Realistic DX-200 and my Realistic DX-100L but on AM/FM there's a really sensitive Philips 180 QUARTZ SYNTHESIZED TUNER!Anyway today there's plenty really great SDR'S for HF/VHF/UHF/SHF from 10-70 US Dollars just take a look at EBAY!Good dx and 73's from PADX1 BCL DX STATION,OP:HENK RUIGROK
kHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details SINPO Remarks km
15185 2054 BOT Voice of America, Moepeng Hill (ce) F,male & fem.teaching English lesson 23333 Fair 8515 km
15245 2101 KRE KCBS Voice of Korea, Kujang (pyb) E,trad.marsh-victory mx. 34333 Fair 8229 km
15370 2108 CUB Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta/Corralillo (ch) Es,nx abt. politics in Venezuela.male voice 22333 Fair but noisy! 7924 km
15520 2128 E Radio Exterior de Espagna, Noblejas Spanish,fem.& male an.nx.readers,mx 43444 Good 1554 km
11610 2143 MGD KNLS,World Christian Broadcast., Madagaskar Zh(chinese),2 males talk/preach. 23233 Fair 8521 km
11620 2151 IND All India Radio GOS, Delhi/Khampur (DL) E,hindu mx 22333 Fair,noise 6251 km
11750 2155 GUM KSDA AWR Asia, Agat/Facpi Point (KSDA) (GU) Zh,chin.mx 23233 Fair/noise! 11705 km
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