Henk Ruigrok, HOL-7431DB Diepenveen
Yaesu FRG-100 General Coverage communication receiver 0-30 Mhz RF Systems MK 2 Longwire 16 mtr.long at 10 mtr.top (sloper).
Since my first dxing years in june 1980 i still enloy listening to several receivers in my shack!One of my favorite receivers are the Yaesu FRG-100,Yaesu FRG-7 but love my Kenwood R-5000 and my Icom PCR-1000,Degen DE-1103,Realistic DX-200 and my Realistic DX-100L but on AM/FM there's a really sensitive Philips 180 QUARTZ SYNTHESIZED TUNER!Anyway today there's plenty really great SDR'S for HF/VHF/UHF/SHF from 10-70 US Dollars just take a look at EBAY!Good dx and 73's from PADX1 BCL DX STATION,OP:HENK RUIGROK
kHz UTC ITU Program + Location Details SINPO Remarks km
11670 2051 IND All India Radio GOS, Bengaluru/Doddaballapur (KA) E,fem.comment.tradit.mx of hinduism 44444 Good 7581 km
11820 2100 ARS SBC Al-Quran al-Karim, Ar-Riyad (SW) (riy) Arab.Holy Qu'ran,male anounc. 44444 Good 4576 km
657 2159 I RAI Radio1 Toscana, Pisa/Coltano (pi) Italian,2 fem.talking,looks like a story that had been told 34344 Good,light qsb! 1012 km
675 2357 HOL Radio Maria, Lopik (utr) Dutch,church explanation of the Holy Eucharistics and Gods Real Church. 54444 Good 82 km
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